• Construction Quality Assurance White Paper

    The construction industry has been struggling with quality issues for many years, and the cost to our economy is dramatic. The cost could potentially be reduced significantly if the industry were to embrace the concept of quality assurance that has been used with great success by many other sectors of the economy.

     13 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • BCL giáo dục ĐH, vận dụng vào thực tiễn_1

    Đảm bảo chất lượng giáo dục đại học: Sự vận dụng vào thực tiễn của Việt Nam có nội dung trình bày khái niệm chất lượng giáo dục đại học, các mô hình quản lý chất lượng giáo dục đại học. Tham khảo nội dung bài viết để hiểu rõ hơn về các vấn đề trên.

     7 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 7 0

  • Quality assurance standards: comparison between IAEA 50-C/SG-Q and ISO...

    Regarding the quality assurance topic, the IAEA standards 50-C/SG-Q are mostly used directly or indirectly to establish the nuclear safety requirements at the utility–regulatory interface. The industrial ISO 9001 standards have progressively been used to implement the quality assurance equirements at the interface utility–supplier.

     34 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and subject review: The viewpoint of the...

    The programme of Subject Reviews commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), and organised by QAA in 2000/01, is reviewed in this paper. The Subject Review process, which sought to assess the quality of higher education in England and Northern Ireland in individual subject disciplines, is explained, and evaluated critically from the viewpoint of a subject reviewer. The pros and cons of the approach as a mechanism for ensuring quality are discussed, based on the...

     5 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 10 0

  • Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance/Quality...

    The purpose of the principles is to provide a useful reference guide to both higher education institutions in developing or reviewing current arrangements for the involvement of students in quality assurance processes and to quality assurance agencies undertaking external quality assurance activities.

     5 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 19 0

  • Report on quality assurance models in LIS programs

    The primary purpose of this survey was to gather data from a sufficient number of LIS schools from each region of the world about current quality assurance processes, priorities and concerns.The study required an investigation of quality assurance models worldwide, collecting data about current quality measurement, quality assurance systems, LIS guidelines and standards. The methodology has been based on a literary and documentary review and on a questionnaire which has been sent to a...

     33 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 7 0

  • Quality management recommendation for vocational education and training

    The purpose of the Quality Management Recommendation is to provide a framework for long-term development of quality management in all types of vocational education and training. The recommendations can be applied to vocational education and training implemented in different ways: initial VET and further and continuing training, competence tests and training preparing for competence-based qualifications, as well as curricular or school-based VET, special needs VET and apprenticeship...

     37 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 7 0

  • Guidelines for the implementation of quality assurance frameworks for...

    Guidelines for the implementation of quality assurance frameworks for international and supranational organizations compiling statistics to promote the use of a quality framework in international organisations for assuring the quality of the statistical processes2 and outputs; To harmonise the existing quality frameworks for international organisations leading to the evelopment and implementation of common standards, sharing of good practices for statistics compilation, and reduced quality...

     29 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Quality assurance manual for higher education in Pakistan

    HEC has developed procedures and guidelines for quality assurance and its enhancement. This Manual is an effort made to put all the guidelines and procedures in one volume so that university administration, quality enhancement cells and faculty might find it easier to implement.

     113 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 8 0

  • Quality Assurance

    The overall goal of a well-designed and well-implemented sampling and analysis program is to meas-ure accurately what is really there. Environmental decisions are made on the assumption that analytical results are, within known limits of accuracy and precision, representative of site conditions. Many sources of error exist that could affect the analytical results, including sample collection methods; sample han-dling, preservation, and transport; personnel training; analytical methods; data...

     6 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 20 0

  • Chương trình hành động Số: 618/ĐNNL-CTHĐ

    Tham khảo Chương trình hành động Số: 618/ĐNNL-CTHĐ - Chương trình hành động đổi mới quản lý, nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo của trường Đại học Nông Lâm giai đoạn 2010 - 2012 sau đây để hiểu rõ hơn về chương trình đổi mới, nâng cao chất lượng của trường.

     6 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • A Comparison of Quality Management approaches for the Training and Vocational...

    This paper provides a description of various approaches to TVET quality assurance in the following countries: Australia, Bahrain, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka and The Philippines. The systems are categorized according to their key features and paper also includes a description of the different ways that TVET Quality Assurance is managed at the national, regional (state or provincial) and institutional levels, an analysis and review of data from the ILO study and suggests...

     11 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 14 0

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