• Phiếu đánh giá chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn AUN

    Tham khảo Phiếu đánh giá chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn AUN sau đây để hiểu hơn về phiếu đánh giá chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn này cũng như hiểu được cách thức làm phiếu đánh giá chất lượng.

     10 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 3 0

  • Công khai về Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Thành...

    Tài liệu Công khai về Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh dưới đây trình bày các thông tin đầy đủ của trường như tên trường, cơ quan chủ quản, quá trình hình thành và phát triển, cơ sở của trường, công tác đào tạo của trường,... Đây là tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích cho những ai muốn tìm hiểu thông tin về Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Thành phố...

     10 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 9 0

  • Chương trình hành động Số: 618/ĐNNL-CTHĐ

    Tham khảo Chương trình hành động Số: 618/ĐNNL-CTHĐ - Chương trình hành động đổi mới quản lý, nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo của trường Đại học Nông Lâm giai đoạn 2010 - 2012 sau đây để hiểu rõ hơn về chương trình đổi mới, nâng cao chất lượng của trường.

     6 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and subject review: The viewpoint of the...

    The programme of Subject Reviews commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), and organised by QAA in 2000/01, is reviewed in this paper. The Subject Review process, which sought to assess the quality of higher education in England and Northern Ireland in individual subject disciplines, is explained, and evaluated critically from the viewpoint of a subject reviewer. The pros and cons of the approach as a mechanism for ensuring quality are discussed, based on the...

     5 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 10 0

  • Quality Assuance in Higher Eduction: An introduction

    As the book is aimed at the "general reader, the essential technical matter is couched in general term. For the very same reason, an appropriate glossary expaining technical terms is also included.

     113 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 3 0

  • Quality assurance for online courses: From policy to process to improvement?

    Over the past few years, RMIT has made a substantial investment into the use of online learning technology aimed at improving the quality of programs by reviewing their educational design and adding greater flexibility to modes of studying them. As part of this process, we have developed a university-wide quality assurance system for online courses related to aspects of educational design. All major online projects need to show evidence of sound and varied use of technology in order to...

     8 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 8 0

  • Quality assurance in Vietnamese higher education

    Although Vietnam has millennia of experience with higher education, its systems have been totally redesigned twice in the last 200 years. Now comes the third reorganisation, based in the on-going renovation (‘doi moi’) of the country’s social organisation so as to fit into a socialist market economy. In such conditions, with meagre resources but a high commitment to education, western ‘quality’ systems retain a freshness that miht no longer be felt in more developed market...

     3 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 6 0

  • Quality Assurance (QA) Management System Guide Enhancements

    The revised QA management system guide includes enhancements arising from experience with implementing the DOE QA Rule and DOE O 414.1C. The Guide was evaluated in light of key policy initiatives, Directive changes, and other changes that have occurred within DOE since the Guide was last issued.

     57 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 5 0

  • Quality Assurance

    The overall goal of a well-designed and well-implemented sampling and analysis program is to meas-ure accurately what is really there. Environmental decisions are made on the assumption that analytical results are, within known limits of accuracy and precision, representative of site conditions. Many sources of error exist that could affect the analytical results, including sample collection methods; sample han-dling, preservation, and transport; personnel training; analytical methods; data...

     6 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 20 0

  • Quality Assurance in Vocational Qualifications

    The systems that are put in place to ensure the reliability of the assessments are robust. The paper examines these processes and considers whether they are sufficient to guarantee the quality of the assessments made.

     8 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 3 0

  • Quality Assurance in the Field of Civil Service Training

    The training and education provi-sion needed by a modern public administration system involves a wide variety of training providers and programmes. At one extreme, the professional formation of, people who intend to spend their, careers in the public service, involves the university systems of each country, and perhaps at different levels of qualification (di-ploma, degree, post-graduate etc.).

     20 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 20 0

  • Developing internal QA mechanisms - Towards an East African Quality Assurance...

    The expansion of higher education in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi) while contributing to national, regional and global development goals has raised concerns over the issue of quality. To address this, the national regulatory agencies of Kenya (CHE), Tanzania (TCU) and Uganda (NCHE) in collaboration with the Inter-University Council for East Africa UCEA), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and the University of...

     8 p caodangnghe 20/10/2018 7 0

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