Tổng hợp giáo trình, tài liệu tham khảo, đề thi của môn học UML
Tài liệu tham khảo môn UML
  • A Heuristic-Based Approach to Refactor Crosscutting Behaviors in UML State...

    A Heuristic-Based Approach to Refactor Crosscutting Behaviors in UML State Machines

    UML state machines are commonly used to model the state-based behavior of communication and control systems to support various activities such as test cases and code generation. Standard UML state machines are well suited to model functional behavior; however extra-functional behavior such as robustness and security can also be directly modeled on them, but this often results in cluttered models since extrafunctional behaviors are often crosscutting.

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  • Modeling Object-Oriented SAS/AF® Applications Using UML®

    Modeling Object-Oriented SAS/AF® Applications Using UML®

    UML is a widely used modeling standard for developing object-oriented systems; it stands for The OMG's Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®). It is becoming more mature and integrated in many development methodologies. Confronted with a complex SAS/AF® application, it was decided to turn to a real object-oriented approach, on a small scale and use a UML way to represent the model.

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  • Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior in UML

    Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior in UML

    This paper studies inheritance of behavior in the context of UML. This work is based on a theoretical framework which has been applied and tested in both a process-algebraic setting (ACP) and a Petri-net setting (WF-nets). In this framework, four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct subclasses from (super-)classes.

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  • Chương 7: UML và quá trình phát triển phần mềm

    Chương 7: UML và quá trình phát triển phần mềm

    Nội dung Chương 7: UML và quá trình phát triển phần mềm giới thiệu tóm lược về ngôn ngữ mô hình hoá thống nhất UML, các khái niệm cơ bản của phương pháp hướng đối tượng, mối quan hệ giữa các lớp đối tượng, quá trình phát triển phần mềm.

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  • The UML to MOF ATL transformation: Version 0.1

    The UML to MOF ATL transformation: Version 0.1

    The MOF (Meta Object Facility) is an OMG standard enabling to describe metamodels through common semantics. The UML (Unified Modelling Language) Core standard is the OMG common modelling language. Although, the MOF is primarily designed for metamodel definitions and UML Core for the design of models, the two standards handle very close notions. This document describes a transformation enabling to pass from the UML to the MOF semantics. The transformation is based on the UML Profile for MOF...

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